Je grailed legitímny?

Ak ste streetwear alebo módny nadšenec, existuje fantastická možnosť, že ste si dobre vedomí sveta predaja. V súčasnosti je nejaký produkt oveľa obmedzenejší ako kedykoľvek predtým a často tieto vysoko teplé výrobky, ako aj koláče, ktoré sa všetci zameriavajú na jeseň policajného dôstojníka práve mimo dosahu. Choďte na stránky ako Grailled má základný koncept: je to jednotné miesto na nákup, predávajúc kontrolu množstva ríš kohútikov pánskeho oblečenia.

Aj keď to môže atraktívne hluk z úrovne povrchu, veľa z nás už rozumie nebezpečenstvám získania a predaja online. V skutočnosti je obavy z podvodu s podvodom udržiavané veľa z nás mimo stránok, ako je eBay, ako aj na Facebook Marketplace. Čo teda odlišuje?

Tu u jediného dodávateľa sme odhodlaní priniesť vám iba to najlepšie, keď sa týka tenisiek, ako aj vedomosti o streetwear, takže budeme odpovedať na všetky obavy, ktoré by ste mohli mať na mysli, keď sa týka grálu. Či už teda kupujete, predávate alebo len kontrolujete Grailed, čítajte nižšie pre všetky nápady a techniky, aby ste sa uistili, že získate iba to najlepšie!

Obraz pomocou Ali Jouyandeh
Čo je grál?

Grailled je jedným z najväčších na internetových pánskeho trhoch. Jednotlivci sa musia rozhodnúť kúpiť, ponúknuť, ako aj citovať na špičkových zorných streetwearch, ako aj na pánske oblečenie. Webovú stránku bol vyrobený koncom roka 2013 Arun Gupta, pretože uznal nedostatok pánskeho predaja v porovnaní s dámskym oblečením. Od roku 2019 mala táto stránka 3,7 milióna aktívnych jednotlivcov, ako aj dnes existuje ako jeden z najväčších pánskych odevov, ako aj na ďalšom predaji na webe.

Obrázok pomocou Stephana Schmida
Ako sa dostať na gráli

Ak sa snažíte kúpiť, trh spoločnosti Grailaled môže byť dosť rozsiahly, takže krokom prvého programu bude objaviť, čo ste, ako aj kliknutie na stránku produktu. Odtiaľ dostanete niekoľko možností. Môžete ísť buď ideálnym vpred a kliknúť na „nákup“, aby ste produkt získali za cenu poskytnutého predajcu, alebo navyše môžete odoslať ponuku.

Pri kliknutí na „Ponuka“ budete požiadaní o odoslanie nákladov, ktoré chcete zaplatiť spolu s prepravnými nákladmi stanovenými predajcom. Je potrebné zaznamenať, že použitia pod 60% poskytovaných nákladov nebude akceptované, aby sa zabránilo zabráneniu ponúk na nízke futbale. Pamätajte, že Grailed je trhu s rovesníkom, takže nenechajte šokovať, ak predajca urobí kontraffera, ak sa snaží nájsť oveľa viac peňazí! Keď obe oslavy dosiahli zmluvu, má kupujúci 24 hodín pred platnosťou dohody.

Pred nákupom je motivované kontaktovať sa s predajcom s funkciou správy a požiadať o akékoľvek obavy, ktoré by ste mohli mať. Držte oči mimo akéhokoľvek typu použití, ktoré sa javia ako skvelé na to, aby to bola pravda, pretože to môžu byť podvody alebo falšované výrobky, ktoré sa vkĺzli pod radar Grailaled.

Obrázok pomocou Stephana Schmida
Ako ponúknuť na gráli

Najprv sa budete vyžadovať, aby ste sa prihlásili na svoj grailovaný účet v nákupe, aby ste ponúkli svoje kúsky. Pred predajom nezabudnite prepojiť svoj súčasný účet PayPal v nákupe, aby mohol pracovať! Odtiaľ je to celkom jednoduché, kliknite na tlačidlo „Predať“ vyplňte predajný formulár, ako aj potom urobte aspoň 3 najvyššie kvalitné obrázky odevu (odporúčame však, aby ste si urobili čo najviac). having top quality pictures will make your providing stick out as well as make people a lot more likely to click on it, so make sure you don’t shoot in the dark as well as prevent utilizing flash as well as man-made lighting.

Next up is pricing your item, it’s crucial you don’t cost as well high otherwise you’ll put people off, as well as it’s crucial you don’t cost as well low so you don’t rip yourself off. If you’re not sure what your product is worth you can utilize Grailed’s cost comparison tool to see what similar products have offered for previously! From there click publish as well as your product will appear on the feed complying with an authentication evaluation from the Grailed team as well as moderators.

Once your product is up available for sale Grailed has a number of tools you can utilise to make sure you get a swift sale. first of all “Bumping” will enable you to push your product to the top of the Grailed feed, you will be able to do this when a week for the very first month after providing the product only. Secondly, the “Price Drop” function will immediately decrease the cost by 10% as well as bump to the top of the feed, this is beneficial for drawing in any type of prospective purchasers if your product has been sitting for some time.

Once you’ve discovered a purchaser as well as accepted an offer it is then your obligation to ship as well as supply tracking info as well as a tracking number. To prevent any type of possible Paypal declares its finest to take some pride in your packing as well as wrapping skills as well as make sure your bundle is appropriately sealed! Every product you offer an product on Grailed is covered by PayPal’s seller security however keep in mind to send your parcel signed-for to prevent any type of possible scam buyers!

Image by means of Leon Skibitzki
How does Grailed authenticate goods?

As a purchaser it’s important to have depend on in where you’re getting from, so Grailed implements a strict digital authentication process. In buy to area fake as well as inauthentic items, Grailed’s team are all well versed in recognising an item’s attributes including tags, logo size as well as shape, embroidery as well as craftsmanship.

High-risk products such as Supreme, Jordan as well as high-end men’s garments are all needed to have digital authentication before going online to make sure purchaser security as well as the prevention of fake items. If a seller is discovered to be attempting to offer inauthentic items, the account will be permanently frozen by moderators with a zero-tolerance policy in action. While it may seem harsh, this policy assists keep scammers away from Grailed making the experience much easier for purchasers as well as resellers alike.

Grailed’s reasoning for having digital authentication rather than Stockx’s in person is so they can save both the purchaser as well as seller time in shipping charges in addition to time.

Image by means of Reinhart Julian
Does Grailed have a money-back guarantee?

To make sure clients are a lot more kicked back when purchasing, Grailed has implemented a money-back guarantee. To begin with, every purchase is covered by Paypal purchase security in addition to Grailed security indicating you’ll get a full refund if your product never arrives, if you get a fake product or your product is different from the providing (e.g. high quality not as great as advertised or colour/design is different).

When making a insurance claim the process begins with Paypal as well as if their purchase security is not able to resolve the problem or you’re outside the 180 day insurance claim period, Grailed will then take matters into their own hands as well as take over púzdro. Grailed offer an limitless time limit on situations indicating each situation will get resolved eventually.

Image by means of Marcel Kang
Does Grailed have legitimate sellers?

Direct comments is motivated throughout the site so Grailed has implemented a 5-star scale where peers can rate each other after a successful sale. individuals are placed on exactly how swiftly as well as exactly how quick they ship the item, if the product shows up as advertised as well as the tidiness as well as presentation of the package. From there the seller is provided a score of as much as 5 stars. It goes without stating it’s much better to get from sellers with existing high ratings, it’s likewise encouraged to prevent individuals with a low rating.

When you view a seller’s profile you will be able to view their comments score out of 5 stars, exactly how lots of transactions they have made, the number of present listings, followers as well as a function called seller badges. seller badges are provided to sellers who are understood for their remarkable service as well as loyalty.

The “Speedy Shipper” seller badge indicates the seller adds a tracking number within 3 days of purchase to 95% of their transactions.
The “Trusted Seller” badge indicates the seller has exceptional communication as well as a comments score of 4.8 stars.
Finally, the “Quick Responder” badge will tell you the seller has responded to every personal message within 12 hours, 90% of the time.

Grailed has likewise started using a ‘verified’ condition to a few of its users, nevertheless this is currently only used to a extremely restricted number of users.

Image by means of Simba Munemo
So, is Grailed legit?

In short, yes! like any type of service, Grailed definitely has its minor faults, however as a whole the site is extremely dependable as well as is house to a team of devoted as well as experienced moderators. If you’re seeking to police officer just keep in mind to keep an eye out for legitimate as well as authorized sellers as well as there’s a great possibility you’re going to be in risk-free hands! together with this, if you’re planning on selling you don’t have to concern about much, Paypal as well as Grailed’s seller security will make sure any type of disputes are handled properly as well as with both haste as well as accuracy.

Image by means of Grailed


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